Saturday, May 30, 2009

at the zoo...cont'd

Well the zoo turned out to not be so much fun after all. Most of the animals that they did have were nocturnal so they only come out at night. They had a brand new red panda thats recently been in the local news, but didnt get to see him either. The bears were sleeping, it seemed like every exhibit was. We did get to see the 2 big tigers upclose. They came right up to the glass, you could practically give each other eskimo kisses. :) Then the two tigers were wrestling around w/ each other, standing up on their hind legs and pawing each other, that was neat to see that in action. Then we went to see the lions, they were sleep in the grass, you could see their faces, but thats about it, that was ok, cause there was only a big chain link fence seperating us from them, so i preferred them to stay asleep, seems like they could just rip that fence apart before you could even take a step. Of course there were all the noisy monkeys, there always active and always putting on a show for you, letting you watch them swing on the ropes. The zebra and giraffes were also pretty fun to watch. Other than that, it was pretty boring, it was hot, carson stayed awake the whole time, and didn't fuss. I think we should make a visit to the San Diego Zoo. That will most definitely put the boise zoo to shame! I will have pictures in a few days, I will post them here!

First visit to the zoo!!

Today mike and I are going to take carson to the zoo to play around. This will be carson's first visit to the boise zoo! We can't wait to push him around in his stroller and see his reactions to all the different kinds of animals that they have. My favorites have always been the tigers, bears, and the zebra's are pretty neat to. I will have pictures to post when I get back. I can't wait to see what develops!

Friday, May 29, 2009



A new discovery...

Carson's constant wandering hands has found his little boy part. I'm always finding him playing with it. I pull his hand back and it goes right back. Haha! It's funny now, but won't be later. Even during diaper change, when I have a really yucky poopy butt, I also have poopy hands and fingers cause he won't leave it alone, and that is pretty yucky! Just thought I would share this with everyone. :)

How do you babyproof clothing tags?

So carson looves chewing the little tags on clothing items or the tags on his blankets. It's always in his mouth. He gets soo upset with me when I yank it away and put it out of his reach. I don't know whats so fascinating about that to him. Thats all for now!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

1 big closeup and a graduation to celebrate later

We went to uncle Jared's (mike's youngest brother) high school graduation last night. Well at first with all the noise from the crowds and the clapping and whistling and the band playing, Carson was not happy about all the ruckus going on. He is so use to the quietness that is our home. So I pretty much had to go to the top and stand the whole time, and that he liked very much. :) :) Uncle Jared's graduation was very fun for us. He was class president, so he got to do the speech, and also do a solo at the end on his drums. Jared was the last person to walk down the red carpet, and that was neat, all the attention was focused on him when the graduates were entering the arena. Also, at the end, as the graduates moved their tassels to the other side, he got to lead them as they made a big circle around the arena for photo opportunities for the parents and stuff. He did such a great job!! People will definitely remember how much of a stud he was when he got to lead his class around and throw their caps in the air. Carson was asleep by the end of it, when the noise settled down, here are a few pictures of him sleeping and waking up on daddy's shoulders.

Peeking at me
soo tired
1 big closeup!!!
carson was leaning to grab my phone here smiley bug
maaa, you already have 1,000 pics of just me, lets cut it out for awhile!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The boy in the striped pajama's

Carson is so stinking cute when he falls asleep on the floor laying on his tummy. I hate to wake him up and move him to something more comfy, but he goes right back to sleep anyway. I just looove him to pieces.

Carson lost his voice

Somehow he has gotten a little bug in his throat, and now he can't be as vocal as he normally can be. Which doesnt' bother me a whole lot, but its kinda sad that he looks like he's stuggling to say something, and when he cries...its the most saddest little thing ever. His little cry is in and out, so he can't get his full cry out.. :( Were not sure where he got it from, but were thinking since he was being a little stinker all entire last weekend that maybe thats what did it. For some reason, nothing was good for him, nothing was making him happy except being held all the time. Hopefully this will pass soon. I've noticed it for a few days now, so I hope its not much longer.

Friday, May 22, 2009

I promise...he does have two ears!!!

So I've been noticing that most of the pictures I have, it doesn't show his left ear in them at all. So it looks like he was born w/ a stub or somethin on that side. Thats a def sign that he has my ears. I did have good looking ears before my major surgery in 1994 but when they pulled my ear back in place (cause it pretty much detached from my head) to stich it back, it lays really flat against my head, and then of course the other one is just fine, so it probably looks like I have a deformity or something....I think its pretty funny. So far nobody has even really noticed, but I've been noticing, and I thought it was funny. Thats all!

Plaid and sweet poop!

I know its a wierd title, but I just decided to combine both topics together. So carson begged me to take him to target, one of my fav places to go, and so I "hesitantely" went with the idea. Of course, i couldn't make myself leave and carson ended up falling asleep. So while he was sleeping away in the stroller, I picked up a few presents for him. 3 pairs of shorts. A pair of khaki's, 1 pr of jean shorts, and the most cutest plaid shorts ever!!! He looks soo adorable. He looks like he's going to play in the PGA tour or something. So cute!

Now, his sweet poop really is sweet....smelling...that is! I got carson hooked on all the stage 1 fruits, so of course thats all he wants to eat. He loved green beas before and then I started giving him pears and peaches and banana's, and wow that changed everything. So now he doesn't want to eat vege's. So when its time for a diaper change, I have to be honest its tolerable, it actually doesn't smell bad at all from all the sweet sweet fruit he's been chowing down on. I just thought this was funny to talk about. I cant wait to pull all these journal entries from this site and his old site in a book for him, so we can look back and remember these perfect days when carson was a baby!!!
Carson is also really good at feeding himself, expcept that he doesn't know to tilt his head back when he's drinking his milky. So I have to help him with that, but otherwise he's pretty good at it, and he enjoys it.

nothin effects carson much

So theres a couple of little rashes 1 on his arm, and the other on his leg. They both look like ringworm. sad. I don't know where or how he could have gotten them, but it doesnt seem to bother him, nothing usally. He's just way to mellow. He's so distracted by everything going on around him, he doesn't wanna miss anything. Here's some photos that were taken just now.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

carson thinks he belongs to a country club...

Carson got a new outfit and so he had to model it off. He looks soo cute in his khaki shorts and white button up shirt, and he had some fancy brown loafers also to complete the outfit. What a stud!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

putting himself to sleep...

Lately, when carson is laying on his tummy, he'll get soo pooped that he'll end up falling asleep like that. Its cute, but sometime I panick, and I have to go get him and put him on his back, but not w/o taking a few pictures first to tell the story.

Strike a pose...(theres somethin to it)

I swear sometimes it seems as if carson is actually posing for the camera on purpose, like he's giving me the best shot of his face or he's practicing to be a model.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Grandma Bettis came over and hung out with us for awhile and she was making goofy faces and carson thought it was just the silliest thing. So awesome how happy he is all the time. Sometimes out of the blue he will just starting grinning and giggling, and I don't even have the foggiest idea what was so funny to him.

Outside fun in the sun...

We played outside today for a little while. Carson sat in his chair and watched me wash the patio and the back of the house. He was pretty focused on the water coming out of the hose. He likes being outside, so much more too look at and see, but the sun was pretty bright, so at first, he couldn't quite keep his eyes was sad, but so funny to. Here are some pictures. Oh and Carson is also 7mos old TODAY!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday Morning

Carson was being just as cute as always, so I felt the need to snap some more pictures, this is his best one from this morning!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mothers day, and sweet potatoes

So it looks like carson gave me another holiday to celebrate every year. This will be my first Mother's Day! I'm so excited just to be celebrating it with my favorite little person. Technically I got to celebrate last year's too, but he was still growing in my tummy, so this time around, is very truly special. Not sure what the plans are, but as long as me and the carson baby are together, it couldn't be more perfect. Yesterday I gave him a new food to try. Sweet potatoes, and those were a big hit! I couldn't get it in his mouth fast enough. He ate the whole jar plus a full bottle. Sweet potatoes (or I call them yams) are my most favorite-test thing to eat especially on Thanksgiving. It's really the 1 thing I look forward to, so I'm glad that we both can enjoy them together for many years. Carson will also be 7 mos old next friday! I've already been thinking about all my wild ideas for his first birthday party. It's going to be "1" big party, and soo much fun. Thats all the news for now.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Splishy Splashy

These are just a few photos of the "First big boy bath" that he got. These were taken on Nov 13th, so just two days shy of being 1 month old. Now for bath time, he just lays in the tub, and he likes being able to splash and kick around in the water, and when he realizes it splashes water in his eyes, he get upsets sometimes, but its soo cute.

Hangin w/ cousin Ashlynne & Mckinley

Carson and McKinley
Carson and Ashlynne

Looving his toy

He is just so handsome! Carson has also been grabby for quite some time now, he's constantly pulling my glasses off, and he really likes to yank my phone out of my hands and put it in his mouth! Thats what they say...everything goes in the mouth!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sniffles and coughs...

Carson has gotten a cough,and a really runny nose and I'm pretty sure he got it from me. Last night was maybe the second time he had trouble falling asleep. I feel bad now, but its soo hard to stay away from him, and not love on him. Of course now I regret it, but he' s soo darn cute, so irresistible. I just can't help myself. Hopefully it doesnt last long, since I'm almost over mine. But he's still the same happy smiling carson he always is, so it must not be too bad for him.

rude mom, why did you give me your cough?