Saturday, September 26, 2009

Like I said...(cont'd)

I'm always catching carson like this now, and I love watching him crawl around like this too. I got one picture of it before he found me and busted me! Oops mom!!

Bear Crawl...???

Carson has been doing this funny looking bear crawl lately. Normally he would only do it where the floor is really cold like the laundry room or something, but now I notice he does it wherever. It's soo stinkin funny to see it. He loves to watch his legs whether there moving or not. One time when he was just sticking his butt high up in the air, I creeped up on him, and peeked my little head right underneath him, he thought that was soo funny. Gotta love it. And him.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

From Jen's kitchen to yours...

Are these adorable or what??? There soo easy to make. All you need is a package of tollhouse chocolate chip cookie dough thats already precut. There in a yellow package, all you have to do is pull apart and bake! BUT!! What you do is get the little mini ones and line a mini muffin pan with the mini cupcake cups, and then you take each piece of square dough and kinda mold it around to the shape of the muffin cup. You only have to bake it at 375degrees for about 9mins, but about 2-3min before there done, you need to take them out and take something small and round and lightly press down in each center to re-form the hole in the middle of the cookie. Then after that bake for 1 more min. In the meantime melt a couple cups of chocolate and peanut butter chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl. After the cookies are done and have cooled off, have fun pouring the melted chocolate in the center of each cookie. It's best to let the chocolate sit and harden for a little. There delish!!! Here is a picture of carson asleep for the first time in his crib. He slept for soooo loooooong. I couldn't believe it.

Invitation is ordered!

I just can't wait, I'm soo excited. I've been working with this lovely lady on to make carson's birthday invitation. It's soo cute and as much as I want to post it on here to show everyone, I rather have you be surprised. Theres not a whole lot to it but just the fact that its ordered and the prints are one their way really makes this whole thing official! That last few things I have to get are the food and cakes and supplies to make his monkey cupcakes, and then the monkey decor and that should be it. Oh and his presents, I will let daddy pick those out since he hasn't had much say in all this birthday planning.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

11 Months Old today!

Like I've said before, I can't believe how fast time flys. Its exactly 4 weeks away from today till he turns 1. We will be celebrating his special day that saturday Oct 17th, which also has a lot of meaning cause that was his original due date. We weighed him the other day and he's about 25lbs. That's soo big! He's been kinda coughfy the last week or so too. His little coughs sound like a trumpet, so we call it the trumpet cough. He has a runny nose too. But he doesn't let that get him down, he still eats just as much, and plays even harder. He's one tough boy! He gives wonderful kisses. This weekend we will be working really hard on getting the last minute birthday decor, and making his posterboard and monkey water bottles to hand out. It will be lots of fun. I will be ordering the invitations this weekend, so in a few weeks look for your surprise in your mailbox. Thats it for now!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Ann Morrison Park Softball Tourney!

Another weekend, another softball tournament.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

A few more before bedtime!

helping out baby avery
my cheeseball

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Softball tournament in Donnelly...

Well we had plans to play both sat and sun, but the team lost the last game by 1 point and so that took them out of being able to play on sunday. Stinks! We were really looking forward to it. So we decided to jet back home last night. It was a very tiring drive back home, since it got dark. It's really spooky to drive around the crazy 35mph corners in banks. We finally made it, and ate mcdonalds and went to bed. I didn't take a lot of pictures like I always say I will. Here are a few that I took. Couple of them were taken at this reallly yummy restaurant in McCall called Lardo's.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


My brother is in the Air force, and has been since I can't even remember, lets just say he will be retiring in the next few years, and he's probably 35yrs old. He's done very well for himself. He's gone probably to every country there is, vacationing and exploring. He deserves it. He is a hard worker, and has earned his right to have these joys that come with his career. I love him so much, and his wife Amy. I've always thought of my brother as a career minded person, I've always wanted them to have kids, and I've always asked them when it was going to happen, and so you can only imagine what I did when I found out. I lost my footing, and I wanted to collapse on the floor. I was soo darn excited for he is. Kaz Ronny Willis. Born 2 mos early on August 22nd @ 7:31 pm. 3lbs 10oz. Approx 18'' long, but in England I guess they don't measure length. Not sure why this is. Everyone is okay and doing fine. Baby kaz will be in NICU for about a month or so longer. He is breathing on his own, but he's still pretty small. Usually hospitals won't let them leave unless they've reach 5lbs or so. Not sure how it is over in london, but I would think it's probably similar. Both mommy and daddy get to go to the hospital every day and spend lots of time with their new son. I wish that they lived near me, although england sounds much more of a funner place to be so I would rather be over there I think. I'm trying to plan a visit over there before they leave in OCT 2011. So if I do get to go it would be in early 2011.

...and he fell asleep while snacking

I can remember when growing up, I would always fall asleep at the dinner table. Theres even a picture of me falling asleep in my plate. It's so cute. Carson fell asleep in the highchair after I gave him a teething biscuit. I was trying to finish up some work outside. Cute little tired boy!