Can you believe it!!! Carson will be 6 mos old in 2 days. It seems just like yesterday I was holding his cozy, snug little form against me, and now he's already trying to jump out of my arms. Sad. He's amazing. He's so perfect. I truly believe GOD sent him to me. I never even thought I'd have a son. Never imagined myself mothering a real-live man-in-the-making. Well he has his 6 mos appt this week. Can't wait for that. I think. Everytime we go in for a weight check, it seems he's always somewhere between 90-95% percentile for weight and height. That just means he's growing, and he's big... perfectly healthy. Bring on the chubs!
Happy 6 mos birthday Carson baby! I can hardly believe your 6 mos already today! Kason was only 20.62%tile for weight & 86.83%tile for length @ his 4 mos appointment. Is okay to be big & healthy! We need to get together for a play date when Kason is feeling better!