Thursday, April 16, 2009

This crap is bananas...

So carson is still getting a majority of his food from a bottle. He can't quite hold himself up un-supported yet, and he hasn't completely lost the tongue-reflex either. We have put some of his formula on a spoon for him, and he doesn't really reject the spoon, but I dont' think were 100% there yet as far as baby food goes. But he has tried a little bit of pears now and we've given him a lil bit of some banana's, and just like everyone says and all the books say, the first time, they will be confused and not know, and it will most likely come running out of there mouths, and that is true. It's the cutest and most sadest little frowny face that makes me laugh uncontrollably. So in the meantime, he will continue getting his formula and rice cereal in a bottle.

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