Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day off from Work/Daycare!!! That could only mean....

So we our daycare lady Carol took the day off to go work at the Jail bond election, so I took the day off to watch C man. So it was a day off for both of us. We decided to make the most of it, and hang out w/ daddy as he is in town this week also. We had amazing lunch at Idaho Pizza Company. The salad bar is scrumptious. The bread stick was divine, and the pizza was even more delicious. Carson started nibbling off my plate eating every single piece of ham and peas he could find. :( I love eating ham w/ my salad. Anyway, then he decided he rather just have momma's plate directly in front of him so its easier to grab things, so thats what we ended up doing. He ate a lot of salad and then lots of bites of cheese pizza. After wards, we made our way to Monkey Bizness, we havent been there in a while so we went and we got to play in a different play room, which is nice. It's all the same things, just on the opposite side of the room, so it made it look different. I got just a picture as Carson was busy on everything. Him and daddy went down the big slide together 2x. Carson loves it. We were going to go to Albertson's park so Carson could go chase some ducks, but we ran out of time. Daddy had a softball game that started at 6 and by the time we left Boise it was a little after 3, and the traffic would have been pretty ugly close to 4 or 5 pm. So we decided to get a head start on the road. Carson took a long nap from all the eating good, and running around and playing on all the climbing structures. Now he's awake and were waiting for daddy to get home from his game so that we can eat some dinner and chill out for the rest of the evening. Its off to work I go tomor. It's wednesday so its half way thru the week, almost to the weekend. I have my 10 yr high school reunion this Saturday at Kiwanas's Park in payette. I'm kinda looking forward to it, but then again..I'm not, as I've seen pretty much everyone either out and about or online. I dont think people really change that much. Most people have gone on to do great things, and have started families of their own. Even tho I haven't traveled as much as I've wanted, I have Carson to compliment this part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way. He is the best, and so for that, I have the best life. I love him. Until next time...

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